About Us
Amazing cakes and so much more...

The Beginning...
Ruby's Bakery was founded by Wendy & Dave Sullivan who between them had over 60 years' experience within the food distribution and baking industry.
The amazing cakes and teatime treat recipes are all devised and baked here within this family run business.
In 2007 Ruby's Bakery was established to satisfy a growing demand for traditional and contemporary high quality products. The bakery is SALSA certified and rated 5 out of 5 by food trading standards, so you buy our products with total confidence and peace of mind that we conform to the highest food safety standards.
The Team...
"Family run" means just that! With three generations of our family showcasing their skills, from baking, new product development and hand finishing all the cakes right through to design work, office duties and deliveries, we are involved at every step of the process to ensure complete quality control.
But we couldn't do it alone. We have a great team of loyal and dedicated staff, some of which have been with us from the beginning, all working hard to make the fabulous cakes you know and love.
How to get it...
Ruby's Bakery is able to offer a full product range via our own regional network, our agents and our distribution partners throughout England and Wales.
If you need to find a stockist near you, please contact us and we will do our best to point you in the right direction.